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Saturday, October 16, 2010

While Emma's Away Sydney is Calm!

Emma spent last night with Grandma Valerie and is spending tonight with her too. While Emma is out of town McKenzie and I are having our joint birthday party, tonight will be our first night out in the last three years!

Sydney "slept like a baby" last night waking to eat only once at 4 and then let us sleep in until just after 8 a.m. As much as we might miss Emma it is very nice to get some sleep. We also have noticed that without a hyper 2 year old running around the house Sydney is a much calmer baby! She has been enjoying all the extra attention while she plays on her floor mat, rocks in her swing and takes short snoozes this morning.

Tomorrow we are headed to the pumpkin patch followed by a birthday dinner with McKenzie's mom. I'm hoping we can get a few good family photos taken while at the patch for use in our Christmas greetings this year. We will be joined by grandparents Valerie, Jean and Daniel. The weather man is calling for sunshine so we are crossing our fingers that we will have a dry day tomorrow!

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