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Saturday, October 30, 2010

October Cooking Day Completed!

My morning began late which was nice! Emma usally wakes us up between 7 and 7:30 but this morning we got to sleep until 8:30!
I rushed right out of the house because I had forgotten to purchase the foil pans that I use for freezing the majority of the meals in and made it back home by about 9:00.

The first item that I made today was a new one, using pre-
packaged bisquit dough I created apple cinnamon pull aparts.
They smell delicious, cinnamon, fresh apples, applesauce and

Around 10 my dad Daniel came over and helped me here you can see him assembing lasagna. It was so great to have a helper today in the kitchen, McKenzie kept an eye on the girls so I was able to focus pretty well throughout the day.

Here is another item that we put together today, a baked ziti pasta with red pepper flakes, mozzerella and parmesan cheese! It is a very tasty and filling meal

Here is a breakfast item that I put together towards the end of the the day. Apple Struessel Muffins. They have chunks of fresh apple inside and a walnut pecan struessel on top and they are delicious!

One of the recipes on todays menu was California Sushi Wraps (not pictured). This recipe made a sushi style wrap using a tortilla instead of Nori (seaweed paper). I have though been playing with some bento lunch ideas recently and had some onigiri seasoning and some seaweed in the pantry so in addition to the Wraps I also put together some california rolls and some crab and cucumber stuffed onigiri. We ate some for dinner and froze the rest (I'll have to update later I'm unsure of how well they will hold up in the freezer!
All in all it was a great cooking day. I cooked from about 9-3 with a couple of breaks to nurse the babe. Still have some clean up to do!
Tomorrow morning while making breakfast I'll also put together the last two items from my menu, pear pancakes, and apple cinnamon waffles.
Happy Halloween to all today was busy and tomorrow will be a fun filled day!!!


  1. Sam - you are amazing. How on earth do you possibly have time for all of this???

  2. That's just it! Time is what I'm saving by doing the "cooking day" now for the rest of the month (during the work week at least) all we have to do is defrost and bake for the most part! Dishes and figuring out what to make for dinner are very minimal and don't take time during the month :)
