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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Balancing Act

Well, this is officially my fifth year teaching. My second teaching 3rd grade. It's funny I was just in my classroom afterschool today thinking about how all of the sudden I really feel like I'm becoming the teacher I always imagined I would be. It was such a great day, nothing out of the normal or spectacular happened. I still had students who needed reminders on how to behave, to speak more quietly, to stay on task. But it has just settled in and is just going so well.

I feel like I know what I need to get done, the best way to get it done and which things are of urgent importance vs. which things can be put off and left to another day.

Now, with this said I do have to remind myself that I am only working half time right now and won't be back full time for almost a month still. And, I'm positive that will add a whole new dynamic to my current outlook, but I have so many positive feelings right now about this year, this group of kids, my teaching partners, my school. I feel like I'm coming into my own and I like the way it feels!

My house, on the other hand is feeling the effects of two babies, two working parents and two dogs. There are endless loads of laundry, piles of dishes, toys to be tripped over in all rooms including our bedroom and both bathrooms! I guess it all is just about balancing, learning to let go of the small stuff, choosing my battles and deciding which is really most important. I heard a poem about kids and clutter that I keep meaning to adopt as my motto, if only I could let go of the stressful feelings that come every so often from the mess that can be at home some days!

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow,

For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.

So settle down cobwebs and dust go to sleep,

I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
(Ugh...I get teary eyed just reading the last line!)

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