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Friday, October 29, 2010

Sleepless Night

So, last night after Emma went to bed we had Sydney swaddled like she is every night and at nap times through out the day, and in her swing. She was trying to fight sleep and suddlenly arched her back almost throwing herself out of the swing. So our first lesson last night was that she could no longer be swaddled from the belly down because she needs to have her seatbelt on now in her swing.

I began thinking maybe it would be a good idea to try to get her to start sleeping with out the swaddling blanket...this little idea lead to almost no sleep for myself, or Sydney last night.

I put her down with out her swaddle at about 9:30 she woke up immediatly but didn't really fuss much, I just had to retrieve her binkie for her every 10 minutes or so. By 10:30 I was getting tired of giving her back her binkie and I wanted to get some sleep. By 11:30 we were still at it so I put her in bed with me long enough to feed her. By 12:30 she was done eating and sleeping soundly. I moved her back to her bassinet and she continued to sleep well until about 1:30. McKenzie had quite the cough and that could have added to our light sleeping but at 2:30 after another hour of giving her her binkie I chose to feed her again, which by the way is not normal, usually she sleeps from about 8-4 or 5 in the morning not waking to eat. By 3:30 we were asleep I moved her back to her bassinet and she was awake again at 4. At which point I through in the towel (or swaddle blanket) and wrapped her up tight again. Now at 7:30 she has been soundly asleep for 3 hours....I hope I'm not still swaddling her when she starts college!

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