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Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Pee Pee Song!

So decided to begin the journey of potty training today. We ate breakfast and then spent the last two hours "playing" in the bathroom. We put towels down on the floor, (thanks to the genius who decided that carpet belonged in the bathroom...) put Emma in her new Elmo Panties, put out her little on the ground potty as well as the Elmo seat on the big potty. We spent our time talking about pee pee and poo poo. Reading potty related books, Potty Time with Elmo, and Once Upon a Potty. Emma also brushed her teeth, and I did her hair. She applied generous amounts of lotion to herself, and drank a lot of water. By the end of the two hours she went through two pairs of panties and we have three towels that have wet spots!
All in all it was a busy morning. We didn't successfully use the potty but we had a good time!
Emma's potty song: (to the tune of Jingle Bells just like Elmo does on Elmo's World)
Pee pee pee
Pee pee pee
Pee pee pee pee peeeeeeeee
Pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee!!!!!

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