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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today while playing her drum, Emma woke Sydney up from her first morning nap....big surprise!

Sydney was pretty happy to be awake though, and once I unswaddled her she started kicking and waving her arms about with a grin on her face. As she moved I suddenly noticed her gaze find her feet and freeze there. She spent the next few minutes focused right on her toes! It was fun watching her discover her feet. This week she is suddenly spending more and more time awake and happily watching her surroundings :)

Emma has also had some developmental changes this week. She is really proving to us that some days can really be terrible twos while others she is just a doll! Here is a photo of her last night eating her dinner like a "big girl" The night before however she was not eating like a big girl and instead was stuffing her mouth full, and refusing to chew or swallow! She is so stubborn sometimes, I think she must get that from both her mom and her dad!

Yesterday Emma had her two year check up, below is a photo of her "terrible two" stubborn face. I got this reaction after telling her "no, you cannot have my camera" she can be so serious! It's hard to not laugh at her sometimes because she can be so particular about what she wants and when she wants it!

We keep thinking that the terrible twos can't last too long and then we remember about the time Emma out grows them, Sydney will just be getting started!

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