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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Felt-tastic Handmade Christmas Gifts

This weekend I have spent a LOT of time working on Christmas gifts!

While browsing crafty blogs on Friday night I found a blog where a mom was making felt food for her daughter's play kitchen. I immediatly loved the idea! I looked around and googled some pictures, and got some ideas. (Pictured here: FELT LUNCH a ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato sandwhich on wheat bread, a bag of potato chips, and a carrot.)

Saturday morning I bundled Sydney up and headed to the craft store where I purchased many colors of felt, embroidery thread, needles and some stuffing. When I got home I made the cut outs I would need for multiple different felt
food items. And then I had the idea to create a car for my cousin's little boy for christmas, then when that was finished I made a truck for her other little boy. I think they turned out pretty cute!

Once the vehicles were out of the way I went back to my original plan of food making and began to sew and stuff, sew and stuff. So far I've created lunch (see above) and these other fun items:

Two bright colorful doughnuts!

Two popsicles, one cherry and one grape.
(probably the most boring looking items)

And, last but not least Felt Breakfast! Here
we have two sunny side up eggs, an orange slice, pancake with butter pats and two slices of bacon.
I have plans to make popcorn and some sort of noodle dish as noodles are Emma's favorite food! I'll definitely update and let you all know how those projects progress!

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