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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trying to Get Back to the Grind

Happy October! We just celebrated Emma's second birthday and as of tomorrow Sydney will be 12 weeks old! I have now been back to work for two weeks and we are beginning to settle into the new routine of work with two kids!

McKenzie is looking more tired than normal but who could blame him since he now gets up at 1:30 in the morning to get ready for work!
I'm spending my mornings at home with both girls, getting everyone dressed and fed in the morning takes long enough that we rarely leave the house! Then I'm off to work in the afternoons. I do have to say that working half days is AMAZING!!! I wish it could continue indefinitely, however at the same time it will be nice to have my class back to myself soon too! I'm really enjoying teaching in the afternoons. I've been doing math and science and have really been enjoying it! Today we spent the entire afternoon observing crayfish and learning about the 6 kingdoms of living things. I'm happy that my students are just as interested in the different GLAD activities that I'm using in the classroom as I am!

Emma is going to daycare in the afternoons while I work half days and has been having a great time! Some days she acts as though she doesn't want to go, but then has a great time while she is there. This week alone they have done a wide variety of activities including, coloring, play dough, baking cookies (and eating them), and playing with shaving cream! I'm so happy that she is able to go to a daycare where we know and trust the family and she is being exposed to such great activities.

Sydney is spending the afternoons at home with Dad! They enjoy napping together I think, although McKenzie has been great about getting dinner togther and the house picked up daily, I really appreciate all that he does. From now until Thanksgiving he is on an even earlier schedule than normal due to my maternity leave half days. He is getting up at 1:30 in the morning so that he is home for me to get to work around 11:00. He really is the best daddy husband, we are all blessed to have him.

All in all we are busy with life and loving it! I feel blessed to have such a happy and healthy family!

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