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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Multiple Birthday Weekend

This past weekend we spent celebrating our birthdays, McKenzie turned 33 on Sunday and I turned 30 0n Monday. To celebrate we had a family lunch at my aunts house and then went out to dinner with some friends and then out to a local bar, I partook in some drinks, something I had not done in close to three years due to our babies, boy it was fun to remember the way things used to be! With the exception of the extreme exhaustion we both felt all day Sunday...that never used to be the case! Emma spent both Friday and Saturday nights up in Lake O with Grandma Valerie, and Sydney spent her first overnighter here in town with Grandma Jean on Saturday night! We are so lucky to have grandparents who choose to be so involved with our little ones! It was fun giving Sydney 100% attention on Friday, and then giving ourselves all the attention on Saturday!

Emma continues to be the fantastic helper with her sister :) She is always quick to replace the "bink bink" once Sydney starts to wail! However, it seems Syd is beginning to get increasingly interested in her surroundings! She is spending more and more time awake, sitting up or laying in her play gym and starting to bat at toys!

On Sunday, once we got both the girls back at home we headed to the pumpkin patch with Grandmas and Grandpa Dan and Uncles Bryce and Blake too! Grandma Valerie had fun taking some pictures (can't wait to see 'em), going down a slide, watching pumpkins being shot out of cannons, driving toy tractors, playing with balloons and the hay and pony rides!

Monday sent me and McKenzie back to work, and brought on the dreaded "30" for me. I do have to say though I kinda like 30. I know myself better than I did at 20 and really am enjoying my life right now as it is. I accomplished the goals I wanted to by 30, I've had my two beautiful daughters, I've married my best friend, I'm loving my teaching career, completed my masters degree. Life is good. I'm looking forward to the upcoming bunches of excitement in the years to come!

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