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Thursday, October 28, 2010

October Cooking Day Part #1

Last month I tried out some freezer cooking for the first time! It was wonderful being able to have all of our meals for the month prepared and ready to go in the freezer. Where as we usually end up eating out up to 2 or 3 times a week this past month we've only gone out 2 times all together now that has saved us some money!

So for the past few weeks I've found time to put together my October menu. This month instead of following the menu as put together by I've pulled recipes from my September menu that we want to enjoy again as well as picking and choosing recipes from other fall menus found on the Once a Month Mom website. Here is a list of what's on the menu for our household this month:

Breakfast Items:
Cinnamon Pull Apart Rolls
Apple Cinnamon Waffles
Pear Pancakes
Apple Struessel Muffins

Corn Dog Muffins
California Sushi Wraps
Pizza Croissants

Parmesan Paprika Pork Chops (McKenzie's Favorite, so far!)
Deconstructed Broccoli Cheese Chicken
White Bean Chicken Chili
Baked Ziti
Taco Soup
Baked Eggrolls
Cheese with Onion Enchiladas
Cold Weather Chili
Smoked Pork (for pulled pork sandwiches)
Simple Down Home Lasagna

I'm eager to get started cooking but there was work to do prior to beginning the cooking! This week I put together a shopping list for all the items I will need. I've also looked through the recipes to see what meat I can cook the night before as well as what veggies I can chop and what needs to be defrosted.

Tonight my plan is to look through the kitchen and pantry to see what items we already have on hand so I can pair down my grocery list.

Friday morning I plan to do the shopping before work and then do my prep Friday evening followed by a good night sleep before my cooking day begins on Saturday!

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