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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Eve Catch Up

It has been quite a bit since I last posted. I'm still working on my felt food for Emma's Christmas and am also working on a line of felt Monster toys that I'm putting up for sale on Once I get more posted I will share the link to my storefront so you can check them out if you are interested!

It has been very busy around here, especially for McKenzie. Last Tuesday night after we finished dinner with my parents at our house I got a gall bladder attack. I'd been having them since March of last year. Lately they had been getting worse, and lasting longer. I had scheduled to have surgery this coming December. However, once this attack began I decided it wouldn't hurt to go to the ER to get some pain meds to cope with the attack. As it happened my surgeon was on call that night and offered to do the surgery on Wednesday instead of waiting till December. I'm so glad to have said yes, as now I'm feeling quite close to normal and have all that pain behind me. So since I've been laid up for the majority of the time I don't have much to report on.

Today I worked on cookies and pies for Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to having a bunch of McK's family as well as my parents over for the holiday tomorrow.

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