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Thursday, November 4, 2010

End of the Week!

This week began a bit rainy and cold and seems to be ending on a sunnier note!

Emma tried on a new pair of "skinny" jeans that she got for her birthday. They are very cute, unfortunatly Emma is still too skinny for her skinny jeans and they won't stay up and get all baggy around the knees! She wore them around the house for about an hour before she got frustrated pulling them up and up and up and we switched into a different pair of pants. Hopefully they will fit her small frame in the next month or so :)

I attempted a couple more bento lunches this week as well. Here is a picture of Wednesday's lunch. In it I packed carrot sticks with peanut butter, sliced up orange segements, an onigiri decorated as a sheep using nori and splashed with rice

vinegar and soy sauce. I included a baked eggroll from my October cooking day sliced into 3 pieces and a few slices of turkey lunchmeat wrapped around cheddar cheese and celery.

On Thursday for lunch I packed a California Sushi wrap also from my October cooking day, carrot slices, cheddar cheese, a mini bagel with turkey, two oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and soy sauce for dipping. I have to say that the eggroll from Wednesday was my favorite "lunch"
item so far. The Sushi Wrap was good but the
lettuce didn't hold up in the freezer so well!
I've also included a picture of my "homemade" stackable "bento" box! ;-)

Thursday morning Emma, Sydney and I ventured out to the park since it was so sunny and clear but it was cold! Sydney and Emma went swinging together, that was quite fun. It was also Syd's first time in the swing at the park and she seemed to like it for a few minutes. Below is a short video of our fun :)

Tonight the girls and I attended Linfield College's cultural night. They had food from many different cultures and we got to enjoy some tasty treats including pad thai, sushi and onigiri. They also had Mexican food and pizza! Emma really liked her grilled onigiri. Tomorrow Sydney and I are going to go with my mom and two Japenese exchange students to Uwagimaya grocery store and then plan to come back to my house to cook up some "authentic" Japenese cuisine! I'm so excited to learn something new! I plan to take pictures through out the day and our cooking and share them here!

Meanwhile, McKenzie and Emma are headed off to Verbort to go to the sausage festival they have there every year. They are going with a friend of McKenzie's and meeting up with Grandma Valerie. Everyone is looking forward to our fun, and food, filled Saturdays!

Happy Weekend to all!

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