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Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Week of Weight Watching Completed!

Well, I have just returned home from my first week weigh in and I lost 5 pounds. I was pretty surprised as I really ate a LOT of food this week. The difference being that the foods I'm eating now are higher in protein and complex carbs. Also eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies. Here are some of the highlights from this week in food:

Breakfast: the best find so far for convenience and sustainability is a breakfast oatmeal shake recipe that I found and then altered. It consists of 1 packet of instant oatmeal (unflavored) that you mix with 2 cups of water and boil. Then pour into a blender with 1 cup non-fat milk, 1 cup icce cubes and 1/2 banana. The whole thing is about 2 large cups and costs about 5 points. I've been making this before leaving for the day. Drinking one cup quickly at home and then drinking the other throughout the morning at work along with my coffee.

Snack: I've found that purchasing the pre-cut fresh carrot slices are an easy and tasty snack too, I've been eating those along with a handful of snap peas with 2 TBLS of athenos hummus. The snack is only 1 point and the crunch along with the garlicy hummus is very satisfying.

Lunch: I've made and frozen two soups that have both been fabulous, one a cheese tortellini in broth with fresh baby spinach leaves, the other a minestrone soup. I've also found that 1/2 a cup of tuna in a whole wheat pita with zero point vinegrette is very filling too!

Dinner: So far the options have been a "lighter baked macaroni" "Turkey Zuchinni" burger patties and "ground beef with spinach meatballs. All options taste good and leave me full.

Dessert (my favorite): I've fallen in love with the Skinny Cow brand icecream sandwiches, they were on sale at Safeway last week and I tried them, 4 points a piece but they are worth it! I also baked an Angel Food cake early this week. I sliced it up into portions that are 4 points a piece and froze them. One piece of that cake along with some fresh ruby red grapefruit segements and sliced fresh pear is delicious!

I hope that week two goes as well for me as week one has. I hope to encorporate some excercise in as well but have yet to figure out when and what.

Cheers, and happy new year!